Not just Mate 70! Huawei Mate X6 revealed to be released in the second half of the year: the most powerful folding flagship


according to various sources, the Huawei Mate 70 series will be released in September, with major upgrades in performance and various configurations, and will be stronger than the iPhone 16 series.

It is worth noting that in the second half of the year, in addition to the Mate 70 series, the Mate X series folding screen will also launch an iterative product, which should be named Mate X6.

Judging from Huawei’s operations since last year, Mate X6 will not hold a press conference and will be directly launched for sale one day. Although the core configuration will not be announced, everyone already knows what the configuration is.

Last year, Mate X5 did this. It was suddenly put on the shelves and sold out quickly. This kind of influence can only be achieved by Huawei.

No more specific configurations have been exposed yet, but it can be expected that performance, design, imaging and other aspects will be further upgraded to become the most powerful folding screen flagship.

According to the sales data of China’s folding screen mobile phones in the first quarter of 2024 released by IDC, Huawei alone accounted for 44.1% of the share, ranking first by a long way.

Just like when Huawei Mate X5 started pre-sales, Huawei Managing Director and Terminal BG CEO Yu Chengdong said: “The most powerful folding screen phone has to be Huawei!”

Judging from the factual data, there is absolutely no problem with Yu Chengdong’s confident words.

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