Samsung Galaxy S24 “Emergency SMS Via Satellite” Feature Leaked


The latest reports indicate that Samsung’s forthcoming Galaxy S24 series will be equipped with satellite communication functionality. This feature was revealed in a screenshot showing the option to “send emergency help messages via satellite.” The note explains that if the user is outside the range of network coverage, Samsung will provide a connection through satellite networks to ensure the user can send emergency messages.

Background and Implications

In August, the Minister of Science and ICT in South Korea, Lee Jong-ho, stated that domestic smartphone brands are likely to introduce a service next year that enables data transmission between 5G phones and satellites. As Samsung is the only major smartphone brand in South Korea (following LG’s exit from the smartphone market), this suggests that Samsung might incorporate satellite communication in its phones.

Two-Way Satellite Communication

Two-way satellite communication allows smartphones to connect to low Earth orbit satellites to make emergency calls and send messages in areas without mobile network coverage. This feature can be crucial for users who are lost or in danger, providing a means of rescue or medical assistance. Currently, Huawei and Apple phones already have satellite communication capabilities.

Confirmation from Samsung’s System LSI CEO

Park Yong-in, CEO of Samsung’s System LSI division, confirmed in October that they would start supporting satellite services for emergency contact from next year. This implies that the upcoming Galaxy S24 series will support two-way satellite communication.

In conclusion, the Galaxy S24 series from Samsung is set to introduce satellite communication functionality, marking a significant advancement in smartphone technology. This feature will enhance safety and connectivity, especially in remote areas without network coverage, and position Samsung as a leader in innovative mobile technology.


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